5 Tips To Stay Focused

Here Are 5 Tips To Keep You Focused For Getting and Staying In Shape
...by John Gioffre

We all have a plan in January with our new year’s resolutions, but only a few people actually see them through. How can we stick to our goal or get back on track?


Here are 5 tips so you can achieve and maintain your fitness goals this year!

Have a Plan

This is very important and writing down your plan really does work! More so, if you are very busy throughout your day, start by planning all your meals. Create a shopping list of all the foods and veggies you will need for the week. This will create a positive attitude and a step in the right direction when it comes to eating healthy.

Plan Your Workouts

Start setting up a schedule on the days you will workout. As soon as you log your workouts into your calendar, you are taking another step forward to creating the body you want! Take these appointments seriously! Hold yourself accountable! Most important, attack every workout with maximum intensity!

Log Your Gains

Now, I’m not a fan of scales because it doesn't measure success. Scales don’t measure your body composition, only weight which can be very deceiving, but I do encourage logging your body measurements, body fat, sets, reps, and weights. This way you can see that you’re on the right path to success! Remember guys, Rome wasn't built in a day. Brick by brick, just like building the body you want.

Workout Partner

When I say workout partner I mean someone who will be just be as motivated as you are! You don’t want a partner that fools around and does nothing but talk. You want your partner that will do some ass kicking with you at the gym. Your gym partner should help you get through those last few reps and sets you usually struggle with. Both of you should hold each other accountable!


Just showing up at the gym won’t cut it. Without a plan and just going through the motions is not going to get you where you want to be. Plan your workouts and muscle groups that you will be doing a week in advance. Change your workouts and try new things. Join some fitness classes your gym has to offer. You will start to make gradual increases in intensity and volume which will be the difference between staying the same and seeing real lean gains.

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